Saturday, August 14, 2010

Modifying the registry to enhance network capabilities

6, remove visited web site from the Netscape

For privacy, you can clear the web site within the drop-down menu on the Netscape's "Address" box, so others can not get your

visited site.

(1) In Netscape, you must modify the registry through the Registry Editor to achieve this goal, the steps are as follows: Open

the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Netscape \ NetscapeNavigator \ URLHistory branch. In the right pane, we can see a list of

visited URL, select the URL option to remove, and then press the Del key.

(2) In Netscape, first open the file with Notepad C: \ ProgramFiles \ Netscape \ Users \ caogjwj \ prefs.js assume that your

registration name is zys666), the contents of this file is usually like this: user_pref ("browser.url_history.URL_2",

""). Delete the URL you want to hide, then save the file and exist. In order to let Netscape no

longer write any web site to the prefs.js file, this file's attributes can be changed to read-only.

7, set up two IP addresses to a computer

Under normal circumstance you can only configure a IP address to one network adapter, but by modifying the system registry, you

can configure multiple IP address for a network card: Run the Registry Editor, locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ Cu

rrentControlSet \ Services \ Class \ NetTrans, on this directory you can see mutiple directory called 0000,0001,0002 ... they

are used to record the agreement of the installation. Among them find DriverDesc as "TCP / IP" in the directory, modify two

keys, IPAddress and IPMask. Where IPAddress is multiple IP addresses separated by a comma, IPMask is the corresponding mask. For

example, set the IPAddress for the ",", IPMask as ",", it said that the

system set up two IP addresses and

8, to speed up network transmission speed

The network dial-up of windows operating system are designed haing strengthen room, just increasing MaxMTU, MaxSSS,

DefaultRcvWindow and DefaultTTL can speed up the speed of the Internet-Benz.

a. modify the MaxMTU and MaxSSS
Start Registry Editor, find the following keywords: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ Current Control Set \ Services \ Class \

NetTrans \ 000n (n, individual item number of dialup network connection). Such as 0002, in the right of *** n there will be some

other name such as Windows DeviceVxDs, IpAddress, in the right window, click on any blank outside, in the menu choose "Edit" →

"New" → "string value", on the right side of the window will be a new string, named it "MaxMTU", then double click the string

value and set it to "576." Similarly, in the right window add "MaxSSS" string value and set its value to "536."

b. modify DefaultRcvWindow and DefaultTTL
Start Registry Editor, find the following keywords: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ Current Control Set \ Services \ VxD \ MSTCP

in the right window add the string value "DefaultRcvWindow" and set its value to "2144", set another string value "DefaultTTL"

and set its value to "60" to "64" (Note: 60 is the minimum, 64 is the maximum value, only need to fill one), complete and close

registry Editor and restart.

9, modify the search engine of IE5.0

In the registry, expand "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ InternetExplorer \ Search", in the right window change

"CustomizeSearch", "SearchAssistant" to your defined search engines, such as , after each point your search engine of IE5.0, it will automatically bring up your custom search engine.